Professor Li Zhong’s Approach to Treatment of Prostate Cancer with Bone Metastasis


This is a re-visit of Li Zhong’s 2015 Pearls Live Seminar in Melbourne and Sydney2020 Li Zhong's Cancer Live Workshop in the Netherlands

Prostate cancer is a malignant tumor of the male reproductive system usually occurs in older men and is more prevalent with the westerners than Asian.  Prostate cancer can be classified as latent, clinical and occult phase. Based on the degree of infiltration it can again be categorised into four phases. ​

The pathological manifestation of adenocarcinoma can metastasize to the lymph nodes or supreclavicular lymph nodes,lung, liver and kidney.  ​

Clinical features of prostate cancer are frequent and difficult urination, thinning of urinary flow and painless hematuria. It is under the scope of “long Bi”; “Xue Ling”; “lao Ling” and is more prevalent with aging characterised by zheng qi deficiency with turbidity pathogen and blood congelation in the lower jiao causing obstruction. ​

Professor Li 李忠教授 through his years of clinical observation has found that prostate cancer is mainly attributed to kidney qi deficiency with blood stasis obstruction and subsequent downbear of damp heat. ​

Some of the cases are due to unresolved damp heat in the middle jiao with downbear into the urinary bladder or renal heat shifting to the urinary bladder or damp heat obstruction in the urinary bladder with ensuing damp heat downpour.​

The seven emotional excess can cause liver qi constraint with impaired qi dynamic which in turn affecting the blood circulation with blood stasis congestion in the lower jiao leading to obstruction to the urinary tract and qi stagnation with blood stasis. ​

Treatment is to clear heat and disinhibit dampness, invigorate blood, dissipate bind and relieve toxin with simultaneous supporting the zheng qi. ​

Emphasis is on regulating the liver, spleen and kidney during the late stage of the disease with tonification of the qi and blood.

(a)  Damp heat downpour: Frequent, difficult and painful urination, dry bowel movement with palpable and hard nodules in the prostate area; red tongue, yellow tongue coat and slippery and rapid pulse. ​

Treatment: Clear heat, disinhibit dampness, relieve toxin and dissipate bind.​

Formula: Bi Xie Hua Du Tang  + Di Dang Tang modified ( Bi Xie 15g; Sheng Yi Ren 30g; Huang Bai 10g; Long Kui 30g; Dan Pi 15g; Hua Shi 15g; Tu Fu Ling 30g; Chuan Shan Jia 10g; Sheng Di 15g; Jiu Da Huang 10g; Dang Gui Wei 10g; Xia Ku Cao 30g).​

Difficulty in urination. Thin streaming of urine or obstruction; heart vexation; Hui Yin (perineum) and lower abdominal pain; hematuria; purplish and dull tongue with stasis spots; white tongue coat and submerged, wiry or thready and chopping pulse.​

Treatment: Move qi, invigorate blood , dissipate stasis and relieving toxin. ​

​ Formula: Chen Xiang San + Di Dang Wan modified. (Xiang Fu 10g; Zhi Qiao 15g; Er Zhu 15g; Shui Zhi 10g; Tao Ren 15g; Ban Zhi Lian 30g; Tu Fu Ling 30g; Chuan Shan Jia 10g; Sheng Gan Cao 6g; Xia Ku Cao 30g; Long Kui 30g).​


Case Study: Prostate cancer with bone metasasis:

A 65-year-old patient suffering from Prostate cancer with bone metasasis.

Last March 2021, he broke his hip just like that and was hospitalised. The broken hip was due to metastasis of prostate     cancer stage IV.    Until then he had no physical           complaints and thought he was        perfectly healthy.

He has hormone therapy but no operation or chemo.
At the time of his hip surgery, the PSA was 1280
Three months after surgery it was 3, then 3.8, then 5.5 a few weeks later, 7.6, and this week 13.6.

The oncologist warns him that if his PSA continues to get higher, he will get a lot of pain due to further metastases in his bones

Prescription from Professor Li Zhong 20th March 2021

Zhi Bie Jia 30; Zhe Bei Mu 15; Sheng Zhi Huang Qi 20 each; Xian He Cao 15; Dang

Shen 15; Gui Zhi 10; Fu Ling 15; Dan Pi 10; Tao Ren 10; Xing Ren 10; Wu Mei 15;

Jiang Chan 15; Shu Di 20; Dang Gui 20; Bai Shao 40; Mai Dong 15; Wu Wei Zi 10;

Yi Zhi Ren 15; Bi Xie 15; Lu Gen 40; Bai Mao Gen 30; Ren Dong Teng 40; Chuan

Shan Long 15; Sheng Gan Cao 15; Sheng Du Zhong 15; Gou Qi Zi 15; Bu Gu Zhi 15;

Wei Ling Xian 15.



About Professor Li Zhong’s Approach to Treatment of Prostate Cancer with Bone Metastasis