2015 Professor Li Zhong: Herbal Strategies in the Management of Cancer  

Good news! In response to many requests, Pearls has invited Professor Li Zhong to return to Australia and present a two day seminar focusing principally on specific herbal strategies proven effective by his own extensive experience in the management of common cancers.

In his 2013 seminar, Professor Li shared his clinical knowledge on the pathogenesis of cancer and its management using Chinese medicine. This seminar provided the essential basis for understanding how best to manage cancer patients, as well as outlining Professor Li’s clinical approach, and left practitioners hungry for more.  This seminar is still available on DVD for those who wish to listen and consolidate the knowledge imparted by Prof Li, and also for those who are planning to attend his 2015 seminar.

Here is a sample clip below:

Many of you might not know that Prof Li established a clinic called Ming Yi Tang in Chatswood NSW, which is dedicated to the treatment of cancer. Our website has a link to Ming Yi Tang.  He travels several times a year to work in the clinic and can be consulted personally by Australian cancer patients. Pearls can also arrange a group to do some clinical observation at the Chatswood clinic. More information on this and on the 2015 seminar will be published on Pearls website when it comes to hand.

The cost of Professor Li Zhong’s DVD is now available on request at a cost of $250. You can click on event and scroll to Li Zhong and then payment by either online bank transfer or by  Paypal. A 3% levy will be charged for Paypal.

Greta @Pearls

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