Download Professor Kong Guang Yi’s Treatment Strategy of Warm Diseases Part One
Video recordings of the September 2024 webinar on Chinese Medicine treatment strategy of warm diseases, hosted by Pearls of Wisdom Chinese Medicine, presented by Dr. Greta Young Jie De (Ph.D) and Professor Kong Guang Yi (孔光一教授).
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In this webinar, recorded in September 2024, Professor Kong Guang Yi will share his road-tested clinical experience in recurrent upper respiratory infection, cough, vertigo, headache, constipation and diarrhoea based on the Lung-Shao Yang and Kidney theory.
We will explain the patho-mechanism of the Theory on the Lung-Shao Yang-Kidney and how this theory can apply to treat a plethora of warm diseases.
We will also share with you Professor Kong Guang Yi’s concept of Latent Pathogen and the treatment of many warm diseases under the scope of “Latent Pathogen”. The theory on the Latent Pathogen, [Suwen: Yin Yang Ying Xiang D Lun Chapter 5 said: “Damage by pathogenic cold in the winter will manifest as warm diseases in Spring.” Professor Kong said that the six excess can also manifest as latent pathogen. This is because the pathogen is mild while the zheng qi is also deficient or during the initial treatment the pathogen has not been entirely eradicated until the latent pathogen is induced by a newly-contracted with initial presentation of internal heat and external pathogen. Accordingly, some of the contemporary disorders such as chronic hepatitis, diabetes, cardio-cerebral diseases and even tumor can be under the scope of “Latent Pathogenic Diseases”. The cause of Latent pathogenic disorders with delayed onset of manifestations can be due to body constitution, the strength of the pathogen as well as the disease locations.
Screenshots from the Seminars
About Professor Kong Guang Yi
Professor Kong Guang Yi of the Wen Bing Faculty Department at the Beijing University was my Wen Bing supervisor from 1994 to 1997. With his clinical experience span over for more than forty years Professor Kong continues his quest in seeking the correl… Read more »