Professor Zhang Cang 张苍教授

Available for consultation

Professor Zhang Cang is a chief physician of the dermatology department of the Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital since 1996 . He is renowned for the application of Jing Fang in the management of  dermatological disorders such as Ezcema and Psoriasis . He is the author of a published article entitled “ Gui Zhi Tang group formulas in the treatment of chronic urticaria”. Professor Zhang Cang is available for online consultation via Pearls of Wisdom Chinese Medicine.

The Beijing Chinese Medicine Hospital (also known as Kuan Jie Hospital)  is the leading hospital for treatment of all types of skin disease. The Dermatology Department was founded by the renowned TCM skin specialist, Professor Zhao Bing Nan and under his guidance, the hospital has many topical creams and ointments to be applied simultaneously with  herbal remedies.

Specialist in: Psoriasis, Urticaria