Guest Speaker Dr. Luo Anming at 2020 Live Webinar on TCM Treatment of COVID-19

Since 1st February 2020, Dr. Luo Anming has been appointed as a front line doctor to lead a team of TCM practitioners to care for many hospitalized COVID patients with Chinese Medicine in the isolation wards at the Wuhan Xinzhou Chinese Medicine Hospital in Wuhan, China. Currently, Dr. Luo worked as a front-line doctor at the hospital and was thus not able to attend his normal out-patient clinic. When asked why Dr. Luo volunteed to work as a front-line practitioner in view of the tremendous pressure and work-load when caring for the many critically ill COVID19 patients he said: “A general needs to be baptized by war; likewise the making of a good doctor needs to be subjected to such rigorous tests such as dealing with the current epidemic.”

The organisers are indeed fortunate to have Dr. Luo as our guest speaker in sharing with us his first- hand experience in the caring and management of this unexpected coronavirus pneumonia.

Learn more about the upcoming live webinar and sign up here